Youth Commission Update: 2/1/23

The Youth Commission recently had our fifth rehearsal during which we worked on arranging our last few sets and getting ready for our first performance as a band! We played for a full house at Stones Throw Pizza in Richmond on January 21st. We are so grateful to all the friends and family that came out to support us, and for the amazing vegan pizza! It was a blast. The morning after our gig we filmed a few videos of our sets and took some press photos with the intention of using them as samples when booking gigs. A huge thank you to Christina Kennedy for bringing her camera and mic, and offering to film and edit these photos and videos for us! I am continually impressed by the Youth Commission member’s poise and enthusiasm. These teens are pros. We were able to get good videos in just a couple of takes.

Coming up in just a few weeks we are getting together to rehearse then perform at the Brownington Ceilidh Club on Sunday February 26th from 6-8pm. We have heard nothing but great things about this venue and we can’t wait! 

As far as our final project goes we are having to pivot slightly from our original idea, which was a mini-tour to Boston. Mark and I sent out numerous emails to personal contacts and venues in the Boston area with no response. The current idea is to fill in the last two dates of our memorial day weekend tour with performances in Quebec. I reached out to a couple friends this week and I am hoping this works out. Quebec is so rich with traditional music I think it would be a great fit. You can find out more about us and check out our upcoming performances dates here on the Vermont Folklife website.

~ Fiona Stowell


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